Malou Bergman studied photography at ICP in New York and anthropology and art history at the University of Stockholm.
She is a co-founder of the artist collective Glimpse, the art gallery Candyland and Selva Studio, an art space in Bagarmossen, Stockholm.
”The themes that recur are world-wide, general human stories that are loaded both politically, emotionally and spiritually. Malou Bergman is undoubtedly a constant seeker. As such, she is constantly challenging herself, her ideas about the world, and her dogmas. But she is not looking for a truth but for a universally valid constructive direction. In this process, she also invites the viewers to reshape their thought patterns and preconceived ideas. Although the images are often both dreamy and enigmatic, it is still not possible to categorize them as escapism. What Bergman does is not to flee, but to seek out and confront the world with a possible alternative reality. However, Bergman’s photographs remain as standalone images, aesthetic objects, full of power, dynamics and energy.” Jakob Anckarsvärd
mail: malou@selvastudio.se
Instagram: @maloubergman @SelvaStudioSthlm
Facebook: Selva Studio Sthlm
art for sale: www.selvaartshop.se